OpenPlant Modeler Help


Used to create rectangular, circular, and user-defined beams.

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Dialog Controls

OK Closes the dialog and save your changes.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving changes.
Help Opens online help.
Template Saves and retrieve (Using Templates) settings to be used on other projects.
Insert Beam Between 2 Main Beams Select 2 beams, Set your beam spacing from start point of beam. Beams place at insertion point based on spacing entered.
Insert Multiple Beams Between 2 Beams Select 2 beams, Set your Offsets from Start Points. The command will draw a beam between the selected beams.
Insert Beam at WorkFrame Axes Click to place a rectangular selection along the current XY axis, any workframe axes inside of the area selected will get a beam from grid line to grid line.
Match Properties Select this tool and then select an existing column to update the dialog settings with that column's properties.
  • Current Settings - Select when you haven't created any template and you want to use the current settings of the dialog instead.
  • Bentley/Default - Select when you want to use the application default settings template and you don't want to use the current settings of the dialog instead.
Show /Hide Preview Opens or closes, respectively, a flyout panel to display an illustration based on the tool.